Hi Everyone
Many of us are taking care of ourselves in ways we always practiced and others are searching for new ways. Dominic Cogan, one of our Mindfulness tutors has suggested the following sources of meditation support.
- Mindfulness Teachers Association of Ireland. To find out about their daily sessions click here. They run online sessions daily at 9 am and 9 pm and last for 30 mins.
- The Mindfulness Centre. To find out more about their daily sessions click here. They happen at 12 noon and 8 pm and last for 30 mins.
- The Sanctuary. To find out about sessions click here. They happen on Mondays at 10 am, Wednesdays at 7.30 pm and Thursdays at 1.15 pm and last for 30 mins.
Dominic will be tutoring some online workshops for us in the coming weeks. Details will be on our website as they are finalised. Sign up for our mailing list here so you won’t miss them!
Take care and keep in touch.
Community Education Team.